Key Events- The Glorious Revolution (1681)

The Glorious Revolution is a significant event which lead to reforms in Britain's political system and much more. 

Brief summary of events 

James II ascended to the throne in 1685 and was initially well liked by the people of Britain. However he was a strong believer in Roman Catholicism which upset a large majority of the population. It was in April 1687 that he issued his first Declaration of Indulgence, the main purpose of which was to suspend the laws against Roman Catholics and Protestants. Then, in July he dissolved Parliament, and in September he began a campaign to persuade the Protestants to secure a new Parliament which would be more accommodating to his desires and needs. By April 1688, merely a year later, James II re-released a second Declaration of Indulgence, ordering in May for it to be read in churches. This angered many people, including six bishops and the archbishop of Canterbury who made a petition to get the king to withdraw the order. After its publication, James prosecuted the bishops and archbishop and Canterbury which brought huge discontent among the nation. Consequently, seven men (including bishops and politicians- Whigs and Tories) wrote to William of Orange to express their outrage. This lead to the Dutch invading on their behalf. 

Following the invasion James was captured and fled the country, leaving it's rule to William and Mary which they formally accepted in February 1689. 


William and Mary's acceptance of the throne meant they had to both carry on the government and summon a Parliament. This Convention Parliament met and came up with the Declaration of Rights to accompany their reign. From then on the convention became the proper Parliament, and the significant bits of the declaration became the Bill of Rights. 

In the Bill of Rights, imposed limitations on the Monarch's authority, giving Parliament more influence over things such as taxation, royal succession, appointments, and war. William accepted these limitations as Parliament offered financial support for his war against France.

These wars brought about great change in Britain. They were very expensive to fund which led to the development of modern financial institutions- most importantly the Bank of England in 1694.

However, the revolution brought about many negative impacts too. It failed to decrease the power of Parliament, and caused massive problems in Ireland and Scotland. In addition to this, the revolution led to a growth in slavery.


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