Key Events- Poor Harvest (1790s-1820s)

Britain suffered multiple bad harvests spanning from the 1790's to the 1820's This caused three main things- higher prices for basic food which many in the lower classes depended on for everyday life; and less money for the lower classes to spend on food; and manufacturers suffering economically too. There was a great, national fear that a revolution would happen in Britain, like the one that happened in France at the same time. This was because the French Revolution was triggered by a bad harvest and an increase in the population- the same problems Britain was facing.

  • Cold winters- Thames froze over
  • Heavy rains created regular flooding
  • Harvest was particularly poor from 1809-1812
  • In these years, famine was accompanied with riots caused by bank failures, and Luddite uprisings 
1813- 14
  • Cold and long winters which delayed plantation
  • Frosty days lasted into May
  • Summer storms, hail, and heavy rain brought excessive crop damage in the north of England
  • High temperatures at the end of August 
  • In October and November early frosts and heavy rainfall persisted  
1815- 16
  • Government made attempts to solve high corn prices
  • Nation was in unrest with the return of rioting
  • National debt grew to £834 million- income tax still in place for the losses in French war
  • Britain able to import grain again- more expensive than local produce (only imported based on what was allowed as stated in the Corn Laws)
  • Poor suffered the most- could not afford taxation and food  
  • Harsh winter- 'Farmer's Magazine'- harvest was "uncommonly unpropitious" even when compared to the past few years
  • People depended on root crops which could survive the harsh winters
  • Farmers struggled to pay rent
  • In Wales, goods were accepted instead of money for tax collection 
  • The wealthier gentlemen were said to hand out food to those who did not have any
  • Britain had to deal with a rising population, plus a returning army which produced more workers but also more mouths to feed- actually created a shortage of jobs in some areas. Some soldiers purposely did not return to avoid this
1817- 20
  • Wet summer produced bad crops in 1817
  • Long, hot, dry summer with no rain until autumn in 1818
  • Cold and frosty in May 1819 
  • Wet and rainy year in 1820


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