Key People- Lord Liverpool (1770- 1828)

Lord Liverpool was Prime Minister of Britain from 1812- 1827. He suffered many difficulties during his time as PM, this mean he had to make many harsh reforms in order to keep the discontented working classes in check. 

Liverpool formed a Tory government and got voted in as PM in May 1812. He usually relied on a small inner cabinet to secure his control over the angry public. This consisted of Lord Sidmouth, Lord Eldon, Nicholas Vansittrat, and J.F Robinson. 

Political Patronage
There was a decline in political patronage under Lord Liverpool as he got rid of Sinecure Offices between 1815 and 1822. The main impact of this was a decline in the influence from the monarchy. It kick-started the development of party politics. This is significant because as we know these reforms have had a huge long term impact on the politics of Britain and is still influencing it today.

Political Difficulties Faced by Liverpool
  • There were many opposing views within his government- he had to come up with solutions that all MPs were happy with in order for any legislation to be passed
  • He also had to please the Whig government to pass legislation- this was difficult as they were opposing parties with conflicting ideologies 
  • At the time of Liverpool's leadership there was a declining system of patronage and the new party system of politics emerging- he had to ensure this transition went smoothly 
  • The coronation of George IV was followed by a period of unpopularity for the monarchy- Liverpool was left to deal with this discontent as the king was dragging the popularity of the government down and making the Constitution unstable which was a threat to him and the rest of the government  
  • The unpopularity of George IV tarnished the reputation of Liverpool and made his government unpopular too


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