Key Events- Queen Caroline Affair (1820)

  • George IV banned his wife, Queen Caroline, from his coronation as he only married her to pay off debts and they had since become estranged (she was living abroad)
  • They later became divorced following his succession to the throne 
  • This sparked an opposition campaign as the king was now a divorced Catholic
  • This threatened Liverpool's government
  • Thus began the trial of Queen Caroline- she claimed she had a right to be queen 
  • Parliament (under pressure of their new King) threatened to introduce a new bill which would annul the Royal marriage and strip her of her previous title of Queen
  • Some saw her as brave for trying to uphold her rights against such opposition
  • Caroline had a strong case at her trial, and weakened and divided the government which also worked in her favour
  • The Bill ultimately failed and left Parliament and the country divided as a result 
  • However she died 3 weeks after George IV's coronation


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