Key Legislation- Repeal of the Test Act, Corporation Act, and Introduction of the Sacramental Test Act (1828)

The Sacramental Test Act was passed to place old legislation by the name of the Corporation Act, and the Test Act- both from the 17th century. It was passed under the term of George Canning who thought it would be best to change the requirement that any government official could be from churches separate to the Church of England. 

Older Legislation (Repealed)
The Corporation Act, 1661: 
  • Made all mayors and officials in civil corporations had to receive a sacrament of Holy Communion in conformity with the Church of England
  • Must take the oath of allegiance, supremacy, and non-resistance 
  • Also declare solemn league and convent was wrong  
The Test Act, 1973: 
  • Those who held civil offices, military offices, or those who held places of trust under the monarch had to take oaths of allegiance
  • They would receive the Anglican Sacrament   
The New Legislation (Introduced)
The Sacramental Test Act, 1828: 
  • Replaced the two Acts above
  • Passed to reform the government, allowing individuals separate from the Church of England to be in positions of government
  • Lord Canning introduced it as he was keenly involved in Catholic Emancipation 
  • Received opposition from anti-Catholics like Lord Eldon and Robert Peel  
  • Persuaded Henry Brougham and George Tierney (two Whigs) to form a coalition 


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