Key Events- The Cato Street Conspiracy (1820)

Context- Conditions in Britain
  • Britain was moving from a rural, agricultural nation to one of industry and urbanisation 
  • Towns and cities were growing in both size and influence to the point of over taking the countryside
  • A rising population and soldiers returning from war abroad meant a shortage in food and jobs at a time where crops were failing as well 
  • Industrialisation bought intense and rapid social change- middle class emerging, radicalism etc
  • The threat of revolution in Britain was high and this had been shown by the countless uprisings and riots that had occurred over a decade
  • The government responded to these with repressive techniques such as the Combination Acts
  • This only prompted certain radicals more
The Conspiracy
  • Arthur Thistlewood (also involved in the Spa Fields Riots, four years prior) was a radical from the 19th Century
  • He led a small group of protesters who demonstrated their anger at the harsh measures being implemented by the government as a way to control the population
  • This group became known as the Cato Street Conspirators after the street they were based in
  • They aimed to overthrow the government and made plans to assassinate the entire congress at once   
  • The authorities received word of their plans and went straight to Cato Street 
  • Thistlewood killed a policeman in an attempt to get away but was arrested soon after
  • Five of the conspirators were transported, the rest were hanged


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